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Sakura Auto Simplify

Sakura Auto Simplify
Smart FPS Enhancer that automatically simplifies the scene along your needs.

Gumroad BlenderMarket


This addon automatically simplifies your scene to improve fps, remove bottlenecks, and enhance response time when you are getting into animation playback, pose mode, edit mode, etc.

Sometimes the impact would be gigantic - you'll get more than twice fps in some cases.

The simplification is done automatically when you are getting into the target modes, and it's temporal. All changes are reverted when you exit from the mode or stop the playback.

Supported Blender versions

Blender 3 and 4 series



This addon automatically does the job when you are getting into the following modes:

  • Animation Playback
  • Pose/Edit/Paint/Sculpt modes (configurable)

When you exit from these modes, the Simplifier automatically becomes inactive and set all things back to present.

Temporal Simplification

This addon temporarily changes several settings when it's needed:

  • Modifier Hide modifiers not in the white list (major impact on complex models)
  • Material Mute normal map nodes in materials (major impact)
  • Mesh Settings Disable auto smooth on mesh objects (major impact on high-poly models)
  • Rendering Settings Adjust rendering settings such as AO, SSR, shadow bit depth, etc (moderate impact on large scenes)
  • Viewport Settings Adjust viewport settings such as playback target (minor to moderate impact depending on scene complexity)
  • Shading Settings Change shading type to SOLID (minor impact on recent GPUs in Eevee, major impact in Cycles)

And there are other settings that have minor impact on fps, which you can adjust selectively.


You can change which factors simplified in the dedicated UI.

How to Use

After installing the addon, Simplify button appears on the right end of top bar.

Main GUI

By default, the Simplifier runs automatically.
You can change this behavior ( auto or manual ).

Clicking the down curet next to Simplify button opens the settings menu.

Settings Window

In this menu, you can configure several factors controlled by the Simplifier.
The settings will be applied in real-time so you can easily find your optimal settings.


Shift-Click to toggle multiple features on Target Modes and Simplify Targets.

Background Story

Blender is not designed for real-time animation, and the frame rate drops dramatically when the scene becomes complex or when multiple modifiers are used on the model, and the response to the operation also becomes poor.

Especially in pose mode and edit mode, poor response lowers the accuracy and efficiency of work and greatly reduces productivity.

You can solve this problem by manually removing the elements that become bottlenecks, but operations such as temporarily hiding modifiers or muting normal maps are very cumbersome, and it is also difficult to return to normal when the work is done.

This addon aims to significantly improve the productivity of Blender by completely automating such operations.